
Portrait of a girl


Zambia Key Facts

Over 17 million people live here

56 of every 1000 children die before age 5

24% of students will complete secondary school

Average monthly salary is $330


Educational Costs

Basic Needs

Nutritional Costs​

How Sponsorship Works

Starting at just $36 a month, you can greatly impact these children in Zambia and provide for their education and most basic needs.

You’ll receive a welcome packet with information about the children and the program.  

You’ll receive communication from the children and their progress.  We can even arrange a trip for you to meet them. 

What are the benefits of sponsorship?

What the children receive

  • Their well-being is monitored regularly by the local team
  • They are removed from living on the street
  • They are protected from abuse, neglect, and exploitation
  • Better Health
  • Regular meals
  • Enrollment in school or trade program 
  • Integration into a loving community

What you receive

  • Sponsorship packet with information
  • Photo and regular updates
  • Annual progress reports from Lusungu Children’s Home
  • Life-changing opportunity to visit the Lusungu Children’s Home